Jumat, 02 Mei 2008

ABOUT mY hobby


I. What is Al-Qur’an ?

Al-Qur’an is the central religious text of Islam. Muslims believe the Qur’an to be the book of divine guidance and direction for mankind, and consider the original Arabic text to be the final revelation of God. Islam holds that the Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad by the angel Gibraele (Gabriel) over a period of 23 years. it’s not a sort time, is it?

Al-Qur’an was not revealed directly into one book, but it was revealed one by one according to the case that is faced by Moslems at that time. It become a warning from God and also education for the follower of the prophet Muhammad.

The Qur’an consists of 30 parts (juz), 114 chapters (surah), 6666 verses, 1260000 letters. Each chapter has varying lengths and are classed as Meccan or Medinan, depending on where the verses were revealed. Chapter titles are derived from a name or quality discussed in the text, or from the first letters or words of the sura. Moslems believe that Muhammad, on God's command, gave the chapters their names. Generally, longer chapters appear earlier in the Qur’an, while the shorter ones appear later. The chapter arrangement is thus not connected to the sequence of revelation. Each sura with the exception of one, commences with the Basmala.

The Qur’an was written down by Muhammad's companions while he was alive, although the prime method of transmission was orally. It was compiled in the time of Abu Bakr, the first caliph, and was standardized in the time of Uthman, the third caliph.

II. Al-Qur’an as a miracle for Muhammad

Muhammad is a prophet who can’t read even write a letter, and It’s called ummy (people who can’t read and write). it’s a miracle how can you imagine, people who can’t read and write can deliver message from God? It’s grant from above. Beside that there is no people who can create a verse similar like verse in Al-Qur’an, it’s miraculous. The First word that is revealed to Muhammad is “ Iqro’ bismirobbikalladi kholaq…” means “read it, in the name of your God the Almighty Creator”. It is the first order from God to Moslems , the believer to read and learn more about islam.

III. The main substance of Al Qur’an

There are three main substances of Al-quran, they are order verses, prohibition verses, and story verses. And our duty is : for order verses, me must obey it as fervent as we can; for prohibiton verses, me must avoid as far as we can; and for story verses, me must believe as full of our heart. The example for Order Verses are “Aqimishholah, wa aatuzzakah…” means the order to fulfill the main due from Moslem, that is sholat and also pay for tithe. The Example for prohibition verses are “ Wala taqrobuzzina …” means oh! the believer, keep away from zinah (free sex)…; in this verse God warn to the believer to always keep away from the behavior and activities than can make him close to zinah, like stay together between single guy and girl where there is no people beside them (not a family, just friend), it’s caused beside zina (free sex) beside it’s hated by God, also can spread the sexual diseases, especially HIV/AIDS. And the example for story verses are story about prophets before islam era, like Adam, Moses, Abraham, Noah, Solomon, Jesus al-Masih, etc. and also the people at the century before, like Fira’un, Qorun, etc. why God describe it at Al-qur’an, because God would like to the believer, the follower of the prophet Muhammad to take a reminder from the story above. Al-qur’an also contains some promises from God that Those who would like to believe they may get heaven and those who don’t want to believe, he must come to the hell.

Al-qur’an also tells about events where we can’t see it, like condition of baby on uterus, until the process how he can come to the earth. Also the story about condition on the doomsday, what will happen to believer, unbeliever, even to the condition of earth at that time.

So by reading the holy Qur’an, we can get complex knowledge for both life in the world (day for working and deed) and life in day of hereafter (actually preparation for heaven, everybody want and need to live in heaven, isn’t it?). It’s very fun and enjoyable, everything is explained by the Qur’an, for balancing life.

IV. The Advantages and the benefits from reading the Qur’an

As I say before, Al-qur’an keep our balancing life both world day and hereafter day, and for it I can describe into :

a. Alqur’an can increase our belief and faithful to God, because Al-qur’an prove us that God is exist and real, that we can see it on his creation.

b. Al-qur’an can bring nearer us to God, so we can always obey his rules and avoid his prohibition.

c. Al-qur’an can fortify us from evil tricks and persuasions that can make us away from God and close to the evil (hell).

d. Al-qur’an can save us from the bad habits that are prohibited by God, like zinah, drunk and alcohol.

e. Alqur’an can decrease infractions from God’s rule, so we may always stay close to God.

f. More reading Al-Qur’an, more rewards we get

g. Al-qur’an can save us on doomsday, even people who read it, his parent will get crown that its shine brighter than the sun shine.

h. We will get God’s blessing and merciful.

i. Increase our degree on heaven.

j. Can make life calm and more happiness everyday.

There so much advantages from reading Alqur’an, that’s why I love it so much, and I’d like to always try to keep Alqur’an on my daily Life.

Before I finish my presentation, I would like to conclude that Al-qur’an is a book, but it’s not an ordinary book. It’s a God’s revelation and will be the final revelation. Al-qur’an is our guidance, as Moslems, for a better life in His world and approaching our selves into His eternally hereafter. Hope you all, Moslems here can make Al-qur’an be a part of our daily life. I love reading the holy Al-qur’an And my Hobby is reading Alqur’an !!!

Best Regards,

Siti Hendiyahni

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